Teaching related other activities
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP) at the University of Leeds, UK - reading 3rd semester
This programme is accredited by AdvanceHE of UK, and successful completion will result in the award of the Higher Education Academy Fellowship (FHEA).
Enhance your student education practice programme at the University of Leeds, UK conducted by OD&PL - 2023
Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education (CTHE) at the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka - 2016
This programme is an induction programme for academic staff in Sri Lankan Universities accredited by the University Grant Commission of Sri Lanka and in accordance with ISO9001:2015
Other Activities
School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, UK
Providing services as the School Academic Lead for Inclusive Pedagogies (SALIP) - SALIP is a fractional leadership position and works closely with Heads of Schools, Directors of Student Education and other key staff in schools providing a disciplinary insight which will enable explore issues of inclusivity.
Providing service as a curriculum redefined (CR) lecturer at the school - As a CR lecturer, my role is to support the University in its 10-year Curriculum Redefined Programme to transform the educational experience of its students, ensuring that, regardless of their background, all develop the knowledge and skills required to succeed and make a positive impact in the world. I try to bring innovative and evidence-informed approaches to teaching and learning that will deliver inclusive, active, and digitally enhanced experiences to all our students. I am responsible for teaching undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses, utilising technology-enhanced, interactive teaching methods, inclusive and authentic learning and assessment, and transdisciplinary approaches to the teaching of major themes, such as sustainability.
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Provided services as the department research coordinator (Higher Degree Research) – Coordinated and managed the postgraduate students with their applications, proposal, progress, and final evaluations, and requests together with the appointment of evaluation panels for the above tasks. Participated as an examiner for the proposals, progress, and final evaluations for MSc (by research), MPhil and PhD degrees.
Provided services as the course coordinator for MSc/PG Diploma in Geotechnical Engineering offered by the Department of Civil Engineering – recruited, vetted, and managed the taught course students for the degree and managed the degree program by coordinating the resource persons and students.
Provided services as the lab-in-charge of the Rock Mechanics Laboratory - developed hands-on sessions and practicals for undergraduate and postgraduate students, conducted consultancy services to industries and provided support for departmental research activities.
Provided services as a core member of the Washington Accord accreditation team by preparing documentation and evaluation of Learning Objectives (LOs) and Program Objectives (POs) of course modules to facilitate Outcome Based Education (OBE).
Provided services as a member of the Quality Assurance Committee of the department, helping with the benchmarking of module details with similar universities and preparing documentation for accreditation.
Conducted Department of Civil Engineering promotional activities by organizing department awareness sessions for fresh applicants to the University of Moratuwa (Field Familiarization Programme).